The term "eugenics" came up repeatedly in public debates during the revision of the French bioethics law. The use of certain techniques in medically assisted procreation was discussed. "What is…
Other diseases
In April 2013, the CCNE published an opinion (No. 120) on the "ethical issues associated with the development of foetal genetic testing on maternal blood". The committee emphasised that this was…
The CCNE reflects on the development of human genomics tools, which do not always lead to therapeutic progress. They do, however, shed light on the question of whether their future child will be…
Migration, ancestry and genetic fingerprinting. (2007-10-09)
Ethical issues raised by the development of ICSI (2002-12-12)
Reflections on the extension of pre-implantation diagnosis (2002-07-04)
Opinion on the preliminary draft law transposing Directive 98/44/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 6 July 1998 on the legal protection of biotechnological inventions into the…
Opinion and Recommendations on "Genetics and Medicine: From Prediction to Prevention". Report. (1995-10-30)
Ethical questions raised by compulsory genetic testing of female competitors at the Albertville Games (1992-01-27)