The CCNE (French National Advisory Ethics Council for Health and Life Sciences) reaffirms its commitment to an ethic of fraternity towards exiled individuals. Solidarity and dignity are…
On 21 November 2022, the Minister for Health and Prevention referred the issue of compulsory vaccination for healthcare professionals and professionals working in the health and medico-social…
The development of digital platforms containing patient health data raises scientific, technical, legal, regulatory and governance issues and, by their very nature, necessarily ethical questions…
Opinion 142 of the CCNE presents the work carried out in response to a referral from the Prime Minister in July 2022: an in-depth reflection on the notion of consent in the context of…
Digital technology, and in particular artificial intelligence in health, opens up major prospects for transforming our health system, with the potential to significantly improve the quality of…
There are a number of recurring debates in society about the end of life. Citizens, members of parliament, associations, carers and intellectuals are discussing whether or not the law should be…
During each EU Council Presidency, the national ethics councils of the Member States meet. This is the "Forum of national ethics councils" (NEC Forum). This event, not open to the public,…
The term "eugenics" came up repeatedly in public debates during the revision of the French bioethics law. The use of certain techniques in medically assisted procreation was discussed. "What is…
In May 2018, the CCNE published Opinion 128 on the ethical challenges of ageing. It noted that old age is often associated with marginalisation, inadequate care and suffering for the elderly and…