Medically assisted procreation (MAP) covers a range of techniques, devised by the medical profession and then organised by the legislator, to respond to infertility which reveals dysfunctions in…
Beginning of life
Use of stem cells from cord blood, the cord itself and the placenta and their storage in biobanks. Ethical issues.
The request for medically assisted procreation after the death of the male partner (2011-02-10)
Umbilical cord blood banks for autologous use or research (2002-12-12)
Opinion on the preliminary draft revision of the bioethics laws (2001-01-18)
Ethical considerations in neonatal resuscitation (2000-09-14)
Opinion on the preliminary draft law transposing Directive 98/44/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 6 July 1998 on the legal protection of biotechnological inventions into the…
Response to the President of the Republic Regarding Reproductive Cloning (1997-04-22)