Medically assisted procreation (MAP) covers a range of techniques, devised by the medical profession and then organised by the legislator, to respond to infertility which reveals dysfunctions in…
Opinion on ethical issues related to prenatal diagnosis (PND) and preimplantation genetic diagnosis (PGD) (2009-10-15)
Ethical issues raised by the development of ICSI (2002-12-12)
Reflections on the extension of pre-implantation diagnosis (2002-07-04)
Medically assisted procreation in couples at risk of viral transmission - reflections on responsibilities - (2001-11-08)
Response of the CCNE to the referrals of the President of the Senate and the President of the National Assembly on the extension of the abortion deadline (2000-11-23)
Report on Sterilization Considered as a Permanent Contraceptive Method. (1996-04-03)
Opinion on the Evolution of Medical Assistance Practices in Procreation. Report. (1994-03-30)
Opinion on Embryo Transfer After the Death of a Spouse (or Partner). Report. (1993-12-17)